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Many of our psychology courses are accredited by the British Psychological Society (BPS) and confer eligibility for the Graduate Basis for Chartered Membership, increasing your employability by giving you a qualification that employers understand and value. We help you apply theory to real-life situations, ensuring that you receive an ideal balance of theory and practice. Our specialist facilities include first-class labs and computing environments and you鈥檒l be encouraged to work with staff on research projects, as well as conducting your own research with opportunities to present at conferences.

Clicking this card will take you to https://university.springpod.com/subject-spotlights-intro/psychology-bsc-hons-with-dr-joseph-adonu?utm_source=external&utm_medium=external&utm_campaign=subject_spotlights&utm_term=external&utm_content=beds_psychology

Take a look at our subject spotlight on Psychology! Dr. Joseph Adonu explores if love at first sight actually exists!

Reasons to study in the School of Psychology

  • Our courses are BPS accredited
  • We teach in Psychology Labs, so you'll get theoretical and practical experience

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