
Recent Publications

Journal Articles

  • Short, E., Brown, A., Pitchford, M., Barnes. J. (2017). Revenge Porn, Findings from the Harassment and Revenge Porn (HARP) Survey – Preliminary Findings. Annual Review of CyberTherapy and Telemedicine. Vol 15.
  • Brown, A., Gibson, M., Short, E. (2017). Modes of Cyberstalking and Cyberharassment: Measuring the negative effects in the lives of victims in the UK. Annual Review of CyberTherapy and Telemedicine. Vol 15.
  • Worsley, J. D., Wheatcroft, J.M., Short, E., Corcoran, R. (2017). Victims’ voices: Understanding the emotional impact of cyberstalking and how individuals cope with this phenomenon Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 17, 50-63.
  • Alhaboby, Z.A., Barnes, J., Evans, H. and Short, E. (2017). Cyber-Victimization of People with Chronic Conditions and Disabilities: A Systematic Review of Scope and Impact. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse.
  • Alhaboby, Z.A., Barnes, J., Evans, H. and Short, E. (2017). Challenges facing online research: Experiences from research concerning cyber-victimisation of people with disabilities. Cyberpsychology: Journal of Psychosocial Research on Cyberspace, 11(1).
  • Al-Khateeb, H.M., Epiphaniou, G., Alhaboby, Z.A., Barnes, J. and Short, E. (2017). Cyberstalking: Investigating formal intervention and the role of Corporate Social Responsibility. Telematics and Informatics, 34(4), pp.339-349.
  • Miftha, A., Conrad, M. & Gibson, M. (2017) ‘The Social, Legal, Technical Perspective of Cyber Stalking in India’. 15th International Conference on e-Society 2017 (e-Society2017), Budapest, Hungary, 10th April 2017 (pp. 251-254) Iadis Digital Library.
  • Akinduko, A., Ariwa, E. and Gibson, M. (2017), A cross cultural investigation into adoption of user controls in cyberstalking protection: A case study of Nigeria and the United Kingdom. In Innovative Computing Technology (INTECH), 2017 Seventh International Conference on (pp. 181-190). IEEE.
  • Alhaboby, Z.A., al-Khateeb, H.M., Barnes, J. and Short, E. (2016). ‘The language is disgusting and they refer to my disability’: the cyberharassment of disabled people. Disability & Society, 31(8), pp.1138-1143.
  • Short, E., Barnes, J., Conradie, L., Brown, A., Alhaboby, Z. ,Conrad, M., Pitchford, M. and Dobocan, A. (2016). Cyberharassment and Cyberbullying; Individual and Institutional Perspectives. Annual Review of CyberTherapy and Telemedicine. Vol 14, P.115-122.
  • Frommholz, I., al-Khateeb, H.M., Ghasen, Z.,Potthast, M., Stein, B., Shukla, M., and Short, E. (2016). On Textual Analysis and Machine Learning for Harassment and Cyberstalking Detection, Datenbank-Spektrum Vol 7.1-9.
  • Short, E., Hart, J., Guppy, A., Barnes, J. (2015). The Impact of Cyber stalking. Studies in Media and Communication Vol.3, No.2. 23-37.
  • Stanley T., Barnes J., Short E. (2015). Appearance – focused internet use. Studies in Media and Communication in press Vol.3, No.2.
  • Short, E., Stanley, T., Baldwin, M., and Scott, G. (2015). Behaving Badly Online: Establishing Norms of Unacceptable Behaviours.Studies in Media and Communication Vol. 2, No. 2.
  • Short, E., Linford, S., Wheatcroft, J.M., and Maple, C. (2014). The Impact of Cyberstalking: The Lived Experience - A Thematic Analysis. . 199 133 - 137.
  • Scott, G., Bruce, G., and Short, E. (2014). It’s not what you say, it’s how you say it: Language use on Facebook impacts employability but not attractiveness. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking.Vol. 17, No. 8.
  • Maple, C., Short, E., Brown, A., Bryden, C. and Salter, M. (2012). Cyberstalking in the UK: Analysis and Recommendations ) Volume 3, Issue 4.
  • Maple C, Short E and Brown, A (2011) Cyberstalking in the United Kingdom, an Analysis of the ECHO Pilot Survey
  • Short, E., and McMurray, I. (2009). 'Does being a mobile phone user put individuals at increased risk of experiencing harassment?' Human Technology, 5, 2.

Book Chapters

  • Alhaboby, Z. A., Evans, H., Barnes, J., & Short, E. (2018). Disability and Cyber Victimisation MediAbility Book Collection McFarland Press.
  • Short, E. and Barnes, J. (2017). Psychological explanations of stalking. In Our Encounters with Stalking, PCCS, Monmouth.
  • Short, E. and McMurray, I. (2015). An Exploration Of Intrusive Mobile Phone Behaviour. In Z. Yan (Ed). Encyclopedia of Mobile Phone Behaviour. In Z. Yan (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Mobile Phone Behavior (Volumes 1, 2, & 3). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
  • al-Khateeb, H., Alhaboby, Z.A., Barnes, J., Brown, A., Brown, R., Cobley, P., Gilbert, J., McNamara, N., Short, E. and Shukla, M. (2015). A practical guide to coping with cyberstalking. Andrews UK Limited, 2015.
  • Short, E., Alhabaoby, Z.A., McNamara, N. & Barnes, J. (2015). Recognising the Impact of Cyberstalking. A practical Guide to Coping with Cyberstalking. National Centre for Cyberstalking Research, Andrews UK Limited.
  • Barnes,J. & Short, E. (2015). Who Stalks and Why. A Practical Guide To Coping With Cyberstalking, National Centre for Cyberstalking Research, UK: Andrews UK Limited.
  • McNamara, N., Short, E and Barnes, J. (2015). Psychological Advice and Coping. A Practical Guide To Coping With Cyberstalking, National Centre for Cyberstalking Research, UK: Andrews UK Limited.
  • Barnes,J. & Short, E. (2015). Problem Internet Behaviours. A Practical Guide To Coping With Cyberstalking, National Centre for Cyberstalking Research, UK: Andrews UK Limited.
  • Gibson, M., & Brown, A., (2015) ‘The Importance of Controlling Your Online Presence - Understanding and Pre-empting Attacks that use your Public Information’. In E. Short & J. Barnes (Eds.), A Practical Guide to Coping with Cyberstalking (pp. 63-71). Andrews UK.
  • Gibson, M., & Brown, A., (2015) ‘A structured approach for locating and removing your personal information from the World Wide Web’. In E. Short & J. Barnes (Eds.), A Practical Guide to Coping with Cyberstalking (pp. 72-84). Andrews UK.
  • Gibson, M., & Brown, A., (2015) ‘Strategies for maintaining privacy when using social media sites, apps and services’. In E. Short & J. Barnes (Eds.), A Practical Guide to Coping with Cyberstalking (pp. 85-93). Andrews UK.
  • A. Brown & M. Gibson (2015) ‘Setting social media privacy controls: A practical guide to protecting yourself’. In E. Short & J. Barnes (Eds.), A Practical Guide to Coping with Cyberstalking (pp. 94-113). Andrews UK.

Recent Presentations

  • Short, E, and Dobocan, A (2016) Cyberharassment and Cyberbullying; Individual and Institutional Perspectives. Cypsy21. Dublin.
  • Conradie, L. and Short, E. (2015) Cyberstalking or cyberharassment? Unsanctioned connections and access to client information through social network sites in the Human services. Cyberspace 2015 28th November 2015. BRNO. Published in conference proceedings.
  • Worsley, J., Corcoran, R., Wheatcroft, J.M., & Short, E. (2015) Impact of cyberstalking on mental health and well-being. Presented to Division of Forensic Psychology Annual Conference, Manchester Metropolitan 新澳门六合彩开奖结果. Published in Conference proceedings.
  • Barnes J, Scott, G. & Short E. (2014) PTSD and the Impact of Cyberstalking. Annual Cyberpsychology and Cybertherapy Conference. Washington. Published in conference proceedings.
  • Short E, Linford Sand Wheatcroft J. M. (2014) The Impact of Cyberstalking – the qualitative experience Annual Cyberpsychology and Cybertherapy Conference. Washington. Published in conference proceedings.
  • Scott, G., Barnes, J. & Short, E. (2014). Emerging Social Norms online Annual Cyberpsychology and Cybertherapy Conference. Washington. Published in conference proceedings.
  • Stanley T & Short E (2014) Social Networking Sites and the Thin-Beauty Ideal: An Investigation into Appearance-Focussed Internet Use, Online Addiction and Body Image Concerns. British Psychological Society Annual Student conference.
  • Burton, Z., and Short, E. (2014.) Risk Taking Online and inappropriate Cyber Contact. British Psychological Society Annual Student conference.
  • Short, E. and Maple, C. (2011). "Observation of the incidence of trauma and related impacts associated with the experience of cyberstalking" has been accepted as Oral Paper Presentation by the European Conference for Traumatic Stress


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