Dr Rosemary Davidson

Senior Research Fellow

Rosemary has been a Senior Research Fellow at the Institute for Health Research since 2015. Prior to this she worked at City, 新澳门六合彩开奖结果 of London, the Policy Studies Institute, 新澳门六合彩开奖结果 College London and London School of Economics.

She currently works with Flying Start (part of Luton Borough Council) to evaluate their provision for pre-school children. Her research interests include developmental psychology, programme evaluation, adoption of new technologies in healthcare and health inequalities.

Other References

  • ResearchGate:


  • PhD Social Psychology/Public Health - 新澳门六合彩开奖结果 of Glasgow
  • MSc Psychology - 新澳门六合彩开奖结果 of East London
  • BSc (Hons) Science Policy - 新澳门六合彩开奖结果 College London

Teaching Expertise

  • Lectures in Social Policy, Health Inequalities, Qualitative Methodology
  • MSc and PhD Supervisor
  • Examiner, doctoral students

Research Interests

  • Early years; Child development; Social psychology
  • Health services research; Telehealth; Smart technologies
  • Evaluation methodology; Mixed methods


  • Reducing obesity in pre-school children; Improving speech, language and communication in pre-school children (evaluation, current)
  • Reduction and prevention of aggression and behavioural problems in disadvantaged pre-school children (evaluation, current)

External Roles

  • Member of CHAMP Trial Steering Committee: Cognitive behavioural therapy for Health Anxiety in Medical Patients. Department of Psychological Medicine, Imperial College London.
  • Reviewer for Social Science & Medicine, Sociology of Health & Illness, Fiscal Studies, Medical Research Council


  • Davidson, R. (2018) Reduction and prevention of aggression and behavioural problems in disadvantaged pre-school children: Implementation and effectiveness of the Incredible Years Programme, Luton, UK. DOI.10.1186/ISRCTN14311503.
  • Davidson, R. (2018) Reducing obesity in pre-school children: Implementation and Effectiveness of the HENRY Programme, Luton, UK. DOI.10.1186/ISRCTN62454430.
  • Davidson, R. (2018) Improving speech, language and communication in pre-school children: Implementation and effectiveness of the Sign 4 Programmme, Luton, UK. DOI.10.1186/ISRCTN42025531.
  • Davidson, R., Randhawa, G., Cash, S. (2018) Steps to Evaluation: How to set up an evaluation with external organisations. DOI.10.1186/ISRCTN25468622.
  • Donald, L., Puthussery, S., Davidson, R., Randhawa, G. (2016) Postgraduate Research Conference, 新澳门六合彩开奖结果. ‘Father’s Involvement in Pregnancy and Early Years and its Impact on Children’s Development among Families Living in Luton’s most Disadvantaged Areas’.
  • Davidson, R. (2015) Telemedicine & eHealth 2015: Wearables and the caring home, 23-24th November 2015. The Royal Society of Medicine .‘Barriers and Facilitators to smart home adoption’.
  • Davidson, R. (2014) Kings Fund International Digital Health and Care Congress 2014, 11-12 September 2014 ‘Working towards integration: Advancing Care Coordination & TeleHealth Deployment (ACT) Programme.’
  • Davidson, R. (2014) Behave Energy Conference, 3-4 September 2014, SAID Business School, 新澳门六合彩开奖结果 of Oxford. ‘Weighing up the risks, considering the benefits: Public perceptions of smart grid technologies’.
  • Balta-Ozkan, N., Davidson, R. Bicket, M. Whitmarsh, L. (2013) Social barriers to the adoption of smart homes, Energy Policy, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.enpol.2013.08.043
  • Balta-Ozkan, N., Davidson, R., Bicket, M., Whitmarsh L. (2013) The development of smart homes market in the UK, Energy, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.energy.2013.08.004
  • Power, A., Willmot, H., and Davidson, R. (2011) Family Futures: Childhood and poverty in urban neighbourhoods. Bristol: Policy Press.
  • Davidson, R. (2009) More than ‘just coping’: The Antecedents and Dynamics of Resilience in a Qualitative Longitudinal 新澳门六合彩开奖结果. Social Policy & Society, 8:1, 115-125.
  • Davidson, R., Mitchell, R., Hunt, K. (2008) Location, location, location: The role of experience of disadvantage in lay perceptions of the causes of area inequalities in health. Health & Place, 14: 167-81.
  • Gardner, B., Davidson, R., McAteer, J., & Michie, S. (2008) Development of a method for studying decision-making about evidence-based healthcare in Guideline Development Groups. Psychology and Health, 23 (S1), 127.
  • Davidson, R., Hunt, K., Kitzinger, J. (2006) The wealthy get healthy, the poor get poorly? Lay perceptions of health inequalities. Social Science & Medicine, 62, 2171-2182.
  • Davidson, R., Hunt, K., Kitzinger, J. (2003) ‘Radical blueprint for social change’? Media representations of New Labour’s policies on public health. Sociology of Health and Illness, 25(6), 532-552.
  • Balmer, B., Davidson, R., Morris, N. (1998) Funding research through directed programmes: AIDS and the human genome project in the UK. Science &Public Policy, 25, 185-194.
  • SPA conference, 新澳门六合彩开奖结果 of Lincoln, UK. 6th July 2011. ‘Is this working? Mandatory work related activity – implications for future employment programmes’.
  • BPS DHP/EHPS Health Psychology conference, Bath, UK, 11th September 2008, ‘Development of a method for studying decision-making about evidence-based healthcare in Guideline Development Groups’.
  • Gardner, B., Davidson, R., McAteer, J., & Michie, S. 18th June 2008, 新澳门六合彩开奖结果 College London Health Psychology Symposium, ‘A method for studying decision-making about evidence-based healthcare in Guideline Development Groups’.


  • Balta-Ozkan, N. Watson, T., Connor, P., Axon, C., Whitmarsh, L., Davidson, R., Spence, A., Baker, P., Xenias, D. (2014) Scenarios for the Development of Smart Grids in the UK: Synthesis Report. UKERC: London.
  • Xenias, D., Axon, C., Balta-Ozkan, N., Cipcigan, L., Connor, P., Davidson, R., Spence, A., Taylor, G., Whitmarsh, L. (2014) Scenarios for the Development of Smart Grids in the UK: Literature Review. UKERC: London.
  • Ray, K., Clegg, S., Davidson, R., Vegeris, S. (2013) A Northern Ireland pilot of the display of calorie information in food catering businesses. Food Standards Agency, Northern Ireland.
  • Ray, K., Davidson, R., Husain, F., Vegeris, S., Vowden, K., Karn, J. (2012) Perceptions of the policing and crime mapping ‘Trailblazers’, Home Office research report 67.
  • Vegeris, S., Adams L., Oldfield, K., Bertram, C., Davidson R., Durante, L., Riley, C., Vowden, K. (2011) 'Flexible New Deal evaluation: customer survey and qualitative research findings' DWP Research Report 758
  • Ray, K., Bertram, C., Davidson, R. and Durante, L. (2010) Can altering the structure of financial support payments aid work retention amongst lone parents? Qualitative evaluation of the In Work Retention Pilot. DWP Research Report 708
    Vegeris, S., Vowden, K., Bertram, C., Davidson, R., Durante, L., Hudson, M., Husain, F., Mackinnon, K. and Smeaton, D. (2010) Jobseekers Regime and Flexible New Deal evaluation: A report on qualitative research findings. DWP Research Report no 706
    Vegeris, S., Vowden, K., Bertram, C., Davidson, R., Husain, F., Mackinnon, K., Smeaton, D. (2010) Support for Newly Unemployed and Six Month Offer evaluations: A report on qualitative research findings, DWP Research Report 691
    Hudson, M. Phillips, J. Ray, K. Vegeris, S. and Davidson, R. (2010) The Influence of Outcome Based Contracting in Provider-led Pathways to Work. Department for Work and Pensions, DWP Research Report No 638
    Knight, G., Vegeris, S., Ray, K., Bertram, C., Davidson, R., Dunn, A., Durante, L., Smeaton, D., Vowden, K., Winterbotham, M., Oldfield, K., Fish, S., Riley, C., Taylor, C. (2010) Jobseekers Regime and Flexible New Deal, the Six Month Offer and Support for the Newly Unemployed evaluations: An early process study, DWP Research Report 624
  • Davidson, R. with Power, A. (2007) Families and children’s experience of sport and informal activity in Olympic areas of the East End. Report to Sport England and CASE report 35.

Contact Details

T: +44 (0)1234 400400
E: rosemary.davidson@beds.ac.uk


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