Dr Muhammad Habib Ur Rehman


Journal Articles

  • S, Khan, J. J. Gomes, M. H. Rehman, D. Svetinovic, "", Internet of Things Journal, December 2023. (IF : 5.9)
  • I, Naz, J. H. Shah, M. H. Rehman, M. Rafiq, G. S. Choi, "Quantum Mechanism-based Convolutional Model for the Classification of Pathogenic Bacteria", IEEE Access, December 2023. (IF : 3.9)
  • H. Rehman, W. H. L. Pinaya, J. T. Teo, P. Nachev, S. Ourselin, M. J. Cardoso, "Federated Learning for Medical Imaging Radiology : A Review鈥, British Journal of Radiology, 2023. (IF : 2.9)
  • S. Khargharia, M. H. Rehman, A. Banerjee, F. Montori, A. R. M. Forkan, P. P. Jayaraman, "鈥, Societies 13(4), 100, 2023. (CiteScore : 2.0)
  • P. Lee, F. T. J. Leng, R. A. A. Habeeb, M. A. Amanullah, M. H. Rehman, 鈥濃, Journal of Microprocessors and Microsystems, 2022 (IF : 2.6)
  • P. Leong, C. S. Liew, C. S. Chan, M. H. Rehman, "鈥, IEEE Access, (IF : 3.9)
  • Ahmad, Z. Alamgeer, M. H. Rehman, "鈥, Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications, 2021. (IF : 4.2)
  • Antwi, A. Adnane, F. Ahmad, R. Hussain, M. H. Rehman, C. A. Kerrache, "鈥, Journal of Blockchain Research and Applications, 2021.
  • H. Rehman, A. M. Diri, K. Salah, E. Damiani, D. Svetinovic, "鈥, IEEE Transaction on Industrial Informatics, 2021. (IF : 12.3)
  • Alkhoori, A. Hassan, O. Almansoori, M. Debe, K. Salah, R. Jayaraman, J. Arshad, M. H. Rehman, "鈥, IEEE Access, 2002. (IF : 3.9)
  • J. Ramzan, I. Rehman, S.U.R. Khan, M. H. Rehman, E.N.A. Khanak, "鈥, Library Hi Tech, 2020. (IF : 2.357)
  • H. Rehman, C.S. Liew, T. Y. Wah, K. Salah, M. Imran, N. Nasser, D. Svetinovic, "鈥, Future Generation Computer Systems, 114(1), pp. 155鈥168, 2021.
    (IF : 7.5)
  • Albreiki, M. H. Rehman, K. Salah, D. Svetinovic, "鈥, IEEE Access vol. 8, pp. 85675 鈥 85685, 2020. (IF : 3.9)
  • Debe, K. Salah, M. H. Rehman, D. Svetinovic, "鈥, IEEE Access vol. 8, pp. 81686 - 81697, 2020. (IF : 3.9)
  • Aderibole, A. Aljarwan, M. H. Rehman, T. Mezher, K. Salah, E. Damiani, D. Svetinovic, 鈥濃, IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp. 43177 鈥 43190, 2020. (IF : 3.9)
  • Debe, K. Salah, M. H. Rehman, D. Svetinovic, "鈥, IEEE Access vol. 8, pp. 20118 鈥 20128, 2020. (IF : 3.9)
  • Z. Khan, M. H. Rehman, H. M. Zangoti, M. K. Afzal, K. Salah, "鈥, Computers and Electrical Engineering vol. 81, January 2020. (IF : 4.3)
  • Nassar, K. Salah, M. H. Rehman, D. Svetinovic, "鈥, Willey鈥檚 Interdisciplinary Review on Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, vol. 10(1), pp. 1鈥13, 2020. (IF : 7.8)
  • Debe, K. Salah, M. H. Rehman, D. Svetinovic, "鈥, IEEE Access, vol. 7, pp. 178082 鈥 178093, 2019. (IF : 3.9)
  • H. Rehman, K. Salah, E. Damiani, D. Svetinovic, "鈥, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, (Early Access), 2019. (IF : 5.8)
  • H. Rehman, I. Yaqoob, M. Imran, K. Salah, P. P. Jayarman, C. Perera, "鈥, Future Generation Computer System, vol. 99, pp. 247-259, 2019. (IF : 7.5)
  • Iqbal, T. Y. Wah, M. H. Rehman, J. H. Shah, "鈥, Neural Computing and Applications, 2019 (online). (IF : 6)
  • Nizamuddin, K. Salah, M. A. Azad, J. Arshad, M. H. Rehman, "鈥, Computers and Electrical Engineering, vol. 76, pp.183-197, 2019. (IF : 4.3)
  • M. Gaber, A. Aneiba, S. Basurra, O. Batty, A. M. Elmisery, Y. Kovalchuk, M. H. Rehman, "鈥, Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews : Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, vol. 9(3), p. e1292, 2019.
    (IF : 7.5)
  • Iqbal, Y.-W. Teh, M. H. Rehman, Q.-U.-A. Mastoi, "鈥, Journal of Information Science and Engineering, vol. 35 (2), pp. 307-321, 2019. (IF : 1.1)
  • Salah, M. H. Rehman, N. Nizamuddin, A. Al-Fuqaha, "鈥, IEEE Access, vol. 7, pp. 10127-10149, 2019. (IF : 3.9)
  • Arshad, M. A. Azad, M. M Abdellatif, M. H. Rehman, K. Salah, 鈥濃, IET Networks, vol. 8(3), pp. 3-14, 2019. (CiteScore[Scopus] : 2.27)
  • Iqbal, T. Y. Wah, M. H. Rehman, G. Mujtaba, M. Imran, M. Shoaib, "鈥, Journal of medical systems, vol. 42(12), pp. 252, 2018. (IF : 5.3)
  • Daghighi, M. L. M. Kiah, S. Iqbal, M. H. Rehman, K. Martin, "鈥, Wireless Networks, vol. 24(8), pp. 3009鈥3027, 2018. (IF : 3.0)
  • Iqbal, M. A. Khan, M. Sharif, J. H. Shah, M. H. Rehman, K. Javed, "鈥, Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, vol. 153, pp. 12-32, 2018. (IF : 8.3)
  • Iqbal, T. Y. Wah, M. H. Rehman, Q.-u.-a. Mastoi, "鈥, IEEE Access, vol. 6, pp. 23120-23136, 2018. (IF : 3.9)
  • Yaqoob, E. Ahmed, M. H. Rehman, M. A. Al-garadi, M. Imran, M. Guizani, "鈥, Computer Networks, vol. 129, pp. 444-458, 2017. (IF : 5.6)
  • H. Rehman, P. P. Jayaraman, S. U. R. Malik, A. R. Khan, M. M. Gaber, "鈥, Journal of Sensor and Actuator Networks, vol. 6(3), pp. 17, 2017. (CiteScore[Scopus] : 2.58)
  • H. Rehman, C. S. Liew, T. Y. Wah, M. K. Khan, "鈥, Journal of Network and Computer Applications, vol. 79 (C), pp. 1-24, 2017.
    (IF : 8.7)
  • Shuja, A. Gani, M. H. Rehman, E. Ahmed, S. A. Madani, M. K. Khan, K. Ko, "鈥, Journal of Network and Computer Applications, vol. 75, pp. 335-354, 2016. (IF : 8.7)
  • H. Rehman, V. Chang, A. Batool, T. Y. Wah, "鈥, International Journal of Information Management, vol. 36(6), pp. 917-928, 2016. (IF : 14.098)
  • H. Rehman, C. S. Liew, A. Abbas, P. P. Jayaraman, T. Y. Wah, S. U. Khan, "鈥, Data Science and Engineering, vol. 1(4), pp. 265-284, 2016. (scopus-indexed)
  • Batool A., M. H. Rehman, A. Khan, A. Azeem, "鈥, International Journal of Software Engineering and Its Applications, vol. 9(11), pp. 79-90, 2015. (Scopus-Indexed/SJR : 0.150)
  • Daghighi, M. L. M. Kiah, S. Shamshirband, M. H. Rehman, "鈥, Journal of Network and Computer Applications, vol. 50, pp. 1-14, 2015. (IF : 8.7)
  • H. Rehman, C. S. Liew, T. Y. Wah, J. Shuja, B. Daghighi, "鈥, Sensors, vol. 15(2), pp. 4430-4469, 2015. (IF : 3.9)
  • Piri K., S. Shamshirband, D. Petkovic, C. W. Tong, M. H. Rehman, "鈥, Infrared Physics & Technology, vol. 68, pp. 179-185, 2015. (IF:2.638)

Conference Proceedings

  • Elsokkary, M. H. Rehman, S. Suhail, H. Kaindl, D. Svetinovic, "", IEEE BalkanCom-2022 : Fifth International Balkan Conference on Communications and Networking Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, August 22-24, 2022. (IEEE/Scopus-Indexed)
  • Iqbal, T.Y Wah, M. H. Rehman, M. Bilal, A. Ahmed, "", ACM 6th International Conference on Information Systems and Data Mining (ICISDM 2022), Silicon Valley, CA, USA
  • Shuja, M. A. Humayun, M. H. Rehman, "鈥, Machine Learning-Driven Digital Technologies for Educational Innovation, Future of Educational Innovation-Workshop series, 15-16 December 2021, Monterrey, Mexico.
  • Alhosani, M. H. Rehman, K. Salah, C. Lima, D. Svetinovic, "鈥, 2nd International Workshop on Open Road to Next Generation Mobile Networks, IEEE GLOBECOM 2020, Taipei, Taiwan, December 7-11, 2020, pp. 1-6. (IEEE/Scopus-Indexed)
  • H. Rehman, K. Salah, D. Svetinovic, "鈥, 49th Annual IEEE AIPR 2020 : Trusted Computing, Privacy, and Securing Multimedia, Washington, D.C., USA, October 13-15, 2020, pp. 1-7, 2020. (IEEE/Scopus-Indexed)
  • H. Rehman, K. Salah, E. Damiani, D. Svetinovic, "鈥, IEEE INFOCOM 2020 - IEEE Conference on Computer Communications Workshops (INFOCOM WKSHPS), Toronto, ON, Canada, pp. 183鈥188, 2020. (IEEE/Scopus-Indexed)
  • Debe. K. Salah, M. H. Rehman, D. Svetinovic, "鈥, 2019 IEEE/ACS 16th International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications (AICCSA), Abu Dhabi, UAE (November 4-6, 2019), pp. 1-6, 2019. (IEEE/Scopus-Indexed)
  • Albreiki, L. Alqassem, K. Salah, M. H. Rehman, D. Svetinovic, "鈥, 2019 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Internet, Orlando, FL, USA (November 11-12, 2019), pp. 248-257, 2019. (IEEE/Scopus-Indexed)
  • H. Rehman, C. S. Liew, T. Y. Wah, A. Iqbal, P. P. Jayaraman, "鈥, in Proceedings of Mobile Data Management (MDM), 2016 17th IEEE International Conference on, vol. 1, pp. 208-213, IEEE, 2016. doi : 10.1109/mdm.2016.40 (IEEE/Scopus-Indexed)
  • H. Rehman, C. S. Liew, T. Y. Wah, "鈥, in Proceedings of Information and Communication Technologies (WICT), 2014 Fourth World Congress on, pp. 134-139, IEEE, 2014. (IEEE/Scopus-Indexed)
  • H. Rehman, C. S. Liew, T. Y. Wah, "鈥, in Proceedings of Information Technology and Multimedia (ICIMU), 2014 International Conference on, pp. 351-356, IEEE, 2014. (IEEE/Scopus-Indexed)

Book Chapters

  • Farooq, A. Feizollah, M. H. Rehman, "鈥, in the Book on Federated Learning Systems : Towards Next-generation AI in Springer鈥檚 Series on Studies in Computational Intelligence.
  • H. Rehman, P. P. Jayaraman, C. Perera, "鈥, in Book : Internet of Things, pp. 213-228, Publisher : Chapman and Hall/CRC, 2017.
  • H. Rehman, A. Batool, "鈥, in Book : Decision Management: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications, pp. 1478-1496, Publisher : IGI Global, 2017.

IEEE Magazine

  • H. Rehman, A. Batool, K. Salah, "鈥, IEEE IT Professional, vol. 21(3), pp. 26-32, 2019. (IF : 2.6)
  • H. Rehman, E. Ahmed, I. Yaqoob, I. A. T. Hashem, M. Imran, S. Ahmad, "鈥, IEEE Communications Magazine, vol. 56(2), pp. 37-43, 2018. (IF : 11.2)
  • H. Rehman, A. Batool, C. S. Liew, Y.-W. Teh, A . R. Khan, "鈥, IEEE IT Professional, vol. 19(3), pp. 24-30, 2017. (IF : 2.6)


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