JISC - Business Intelligence Project

Supporting institutional decision making with an intelligent student engagement tracking system

Project Summary

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  • Programme:
  • Funded by:
  • Duration of the Project: 18 months
  • JISC Co-financing: 50,000 GBP
  • Start Date 1st March 2011
  • W:

This project aims to demonstrate how the adoption of a student engagement tracking system (intelligent engagement) can support and enhance institutional decision making with evidence in three business intelligence (BI) data subject categories: student data and information, performance measurement and management, and strategic planning.

To achieve this aim, the project will:

  • Assess the current and expected institutional BI maturity level in the three chosen BI data subject categories in general, and the intelligent engagement system in particular
  • Work closely with the BI provider SSP to make better use of student tracking data in support of institutional decision making through developing a BI decision support toolkit using data collected by the student engagement tracking system and other internal and external data sources
  • Promote the use of JISC infoNet BI resources in the institution and explore the possibility of integrating the student engagement tracking system with JISC infoNet BI resources
  • Showcase examples in relation to the realisation of a successful BI implementation (intelligent engagement) in the UoB and promote wider adoption of BI in the UK Higher Education sector

JISC video case study

Contact Information

Professor Yanqing Duan
E: yanqing.duan@beds.ac.uk
T: +44 (0)1582 743134


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