News 2010

November 2010

New Director of BMRI Research Student Programmes

Jillian Farquhar, Professor of Marketing Strategy has assumed the role of director of BMRI research student programmes from November 2010.

Commenting on assuming the new role, Professor Farquhar said: "The doctoral process has always interested me.  I have also validated an M. Res degree and been part of the DBA validation team in other institutions and examined PhDs in the UK and abroad. I have a degree of experience and expertise.  

My aim is to continue take the doctoral programme in the business school forward building on the work of my predecessor in the role, Professor Magdy Abdel-Kader.  I shall, in particular, be attempting to balance the recruitment of quality applicants and at the same time contribute to the 新澳门六合彩开奖结果 target of research students for the REF. The website is being enhanced to promote the programme in ways likely to attract good applicants." 

Consistent with her role in managing BMRI research development, Marina Rowe will work closely with Professor Farquhar, and they will each cooperate with the 新澳门六合彩开奖结果's Research Graduate School in ways intended not only to streamline the process of securing suitable research student registrations, but also to enhance the overall quality research student experience and progress towards successful, timely completion.

Renewables HR Forum - 5 November 2010

On Friday 5 November 2010, BMRI director, Professor Stephen J. Perkins delivered a keynote address to a well-attended gathering of senior human resource professionals working in companies across the renewable energy sector, meeting in Glasgow. Professor Perkins explored the interaction between corporate governance and the management of employee reward. He explained that while agency-based approaches had dominated thinking for several decades, founded on the premise that individuals needed to be incentivised to align their interests with financial investors in profit-seeking companies, reflexive business people were exploring alternatives. While the renewables sector was highly competitive, its environmentally sensitive context suggested that attention might be paid to developing more sustainable approaches to building corporate citizenship, underscored by reward practices that reflected social as well as economic exchange principles. A key insight was that before accepting ideas in business and management situations, decision makers would be well-advised to reflect critically on their origins. While stories of successful application of thinking might  be publicised, characteristics of the business system within which the ideas had been shaped needed to be factored-on before blindly transplanting practices elsewhere.

June 2010

2010 'Voice & Value' conference at the LSE

A report of the issues discussed at the 2010 'Voice & Value' conference at the LSE, organised jointly by Mike Emmott from the CIPD, Paul Gollan from the London School of Economics and Macquarie 新澳门六合彩开奖结果, and Stephen J. Perkins from the 新澳门六合彩开奖结果. The event co-authors are BMRI research student and research assistant Raisa Arvinen-Muondo and BMRI director Stephen. J. Perkins.

May 2010

Understanding Reward in International Context

BMRI research student, Raisa Arvinen-Muondo, and Prof. Stephen J. Perkins participated in a workshop attended by executives from a range of European multinationals, organised by the International Human Resources Academy at Kings College, 新澳门六合彩开奖结果 of London, held May 21st 2010. Prof. Perkins delivered a keynote address around the theme of connecting transnational reward management techniques with social science theories to help organisations weigh choices and consequences in context. This highly practical interaction stimulated a lively discussion among participants. One significant comment to emerge was that with downward pressure on pay line managers were rising to the challenge of motivating in less mechanistic ways - and where companies measured employee satisfaction levels this seemed to be linked with positive feedback.

Positive showing in NESTA competitive bidding

A BMRI team were commended by National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts assessors for their conceptual skills in a response to an invitation to tender, submitted to meet a May 17th 2010 deadline. The call was to develop am Innovation Index for the Public Sector. While in the face of stiff competition the award went elsewhere, as the assessment feedback stressed, this should not discourage the team in future bids, as BMRI draws on its strengthening capacity to deliver high quality research and enterprise activity.

Partnership building with CARNIVAL ARTS

Departmental Research Leaders joined representatives at Luton-based UK Centre for Carnival Arts on May 20th to discuss  the formation of a partnership, to explore joint bidding for research funds to investigate micro enterprise potential and value generation for the local, regional and national economy from this endeavour. With artists supported by a range of artisans, scope exists for systematic inquiry to generate an enhanced understanding on the combined benefits from these 'volunteers-to- entrepreneurs' to artistic, economic and social life in the UK and internationally. Look our for continuing news on this exciting research-into-practice venture!

April 2010

'The Future of Performance Based Compensation'

BMRI Director, Prof. Stephen J. Perkins was an invited specialist contributor at a FTSE 50 networking group of senior reward professionals convened to discuss the 'The Future of Performance Based Compensation'. At the invitation only meeting held in London on March 16th participants reflected critically on some of the key issues affecting the business community and its people management professionals. Particular emphasis was placed on policy and practise implications arising from the recent financial crisis and ongoing public and political criticism of the so-called 'bonus culture' and character of remuneration management in many major commercial organisations in the UK and global economy. Prof. Perkins reminded participants of the need to balance the obvious technical competencies demanded of specialist practitioners and consultants in this high profile area of activity with what we know drawing on theory and research evidence within the management social science literatures locating the 'reward-performance bargain' in context.

March 2010

LARCI announces 9 new Placement Fellowships for 2010

New awards bring together academic researchers and local government to tackle complex community issues.


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